Our recent blog post 5 Tips on How To Prepare for Canning Season inspired some great ideas on how to organize canning supplies and equipment.
June G. one of our fans on Facebook shared an outstanding idea! She repurposed a used entertainment center to build a preservation center.
“Since I can year round I opted to re-purpose an entertainment center for my canning supplies. Used entertainment centers are easy to find these days (and affordable), because many families are opting out of big entertainment centers and instead are hanging their televisions on the wall. I have thoroughly enjoyed having this unit for the convenience of being organized.”
Formica was added to the shelves to for additional support and easy clean up. June also added pegboard and hooks inside the center to hang and store equipment and supplies. She uses the top of the preservation center to store empty jars.
This shower caddy – turned canning caddy is simple way to organize the clutter of your canning supplies!
If you are still wondering which lids are new, and which are used – here’s one easy way to sort and store your lids.
Instead of stuffing your canning rings in a box, display them with ribbon and a basket. Tie the first one on for the others to rest on, then when you’re not using them tie the other end to the handle.
If you are in need of a safe method of storage for your canning jars. The JarBOX is a very clever plastic container that helps you preserve your canning jars, whether they are filled with goods or awaiting the next batch of jam. A JarBOX set consists of two trays. It can be used as two one-piece trays, or snap the two trays together to make a JarBOX. The JarBOX comes in two sizes, pint & quart. There’s a video about this cool invention here.
How do you keep your canning supplies organized?
It has been now about 3 months since I have had the repurposed entertainment center and still loving it ! I have since added 1/4 inch plywood to the very top so I can store some empty jars while pressure canning in volume. This way I do not have jar clutter and yet can still process in large volume. As for the formica…I will initially put the hot jars on the counter and then move them to the formica sections when warm and let them sit to the following morning when I remove rings and clean the jars before putting away…this has freed up my counters and still can function in my kitchen. 🙂
I set up an old shelf unit that I’ve had since HS (I graduated in 1985!) and stack my supplies on it. For smaller, loose items (pectin, funnel, lid lifter, jar bands, etc.), I pop them into gallon-sized zipper bags and store them in my large canning pot. I tend to do the bulk of my canning at a friend’s house, so having the small items tucked into the canning pot makes it easy to pack into the car, too (plus, I’m less likely to forget something 🙂 ).
I store my empty jars upside down with the rings (no lids.). For some reason I’m of the mind this protects the rims from chipping should the jars get knocked around. I also keep the boxes with the plastic still intact, having carefully slit the plastic from the middle of one end to one side (where the plastic has natural openings.) This means open boxes/flats still provide some protection to the jars.